• 28 JUN 16

    Childrey Parish Council Meeting

    The next Childrey Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 22nd August at the Childrey Village Hall starting at 7.30pm

    • 30 MAY 16

    Date of next Childrey Parish Council meetings

    Mondays 20th June, 22nd August and 26th September 2016 all starting at 7.30pm in the Childrey Village Hall.  These dates may be subject to change and Planning meetings will be inserted as required.

    • 26 APR 16

    Childreyfest 2016

    Saturday 2nd July 2016 tickets now on sale through the website www.childreyfest.co.uk

    Please buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment as this event sold out last year!

    • 14 FEB 16

    New webmaster needed!

    It is time to hand over the village website to someone with renewed energy to carry on and update it. Please would anyone interested contact me on [email protected]. Training will be provided of course, but it would help if you have some knowledge of how websites work. Mette