The critically acclaimed film directed by Steven Spielberg, WAR HORSE. Bar, Hot food and popcorn will be available.
Tickets £5 available from Childrey Village Shop (previously purchased tickets are still valid).
]]>Six wines, six cheeses and a host of brain teasers!
Tickets on sale in Childrey Village Shop.
]]>The gate to the playing field will be open between 12.00 and 4.00pm on the three preceding Sundays of October 16th, 23rd and 30th for the dropping off of wood and garden waste.
]]>The critically acclaimed film directed by Steven Spielberg, WAR HORSE. Bar, Hot food and popcorn will be available.
Tickets £5 available from Childrey Village Shop (previously purchased tickets are still valid).
]]>PS there will be a bar and a prize for the Lucky Ticket Number!! Proceeds to St Mary’s Church.