Childrey Parish Council has the following responsibilities:

  To look after the interests of the Parish where it is empowered to do so and drawing other needs to the attention of the relevant authorities for example any road problems are passed to Oxfordshire Highways department. They also respond to consultation from other authorities.

  To look after and maintain Parish property, this includes the Village Sign, Notice Board, seats on the green and the war memorial.

  The Parish Council expresses their views on planning applications to the Vale of White Horse District Council. They do not have any authority to make decisions on planning matters.

  To take responsibility for the rights of way, for example footpaths and bridleways through the Parish in partnership with Oxfordshire County Council.

  The Council charges VWHDC for the money it needs to carry out its responsibilities. This amount is shown on the Council Tax bill and is known as the precept. This figure is set by the Parish Councillors each year when fixing the annual budget.

The Childrey Parish Council, by law, must meet a minimum of 4 times a year but usually meets 9 or 10 times. This includes the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of Childrey Parish Council and these two meetings take place on the same Monday every May. The dates and agendas for meetings are put on the village Notice Board and on the website.

Currently it is not practical to provide updated details of planning applications for Childrey but the following link to the Vale of White Horse District Council provided details on the planning process together with lists of applications and decisions within the Vale.

This page gives a menu to choose what you want in Planning. If you are looking for a particular application it helps if you have the number for it. In the local newspaper the ‘alternative’ number is usually given prefixed CHD/

The Parish Council has 5 members and is elected every four years. The last election was on 5th May 2011. Those interested in serving on the Parish Council are particularly welcome to attend meetings, and should ask the Clerk for advice on election and co-option procedures.

The Council normally meets in the Village Hall at 7:30pm; dates are published on the village notice boards. The meeting in May includes the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Childrey Parish Council when the Council reports on the years’ events together with the other affiliated associations annual reports.

Agendas for forthcoming meetings and minutes from past meetings may be downloaded from the web site menu on the left hand side of this web page.

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