Neighbourhood Watch Scheme  

Neighbourhood Watch is there for us all to help each other to keep our community safe.

Perhaps you may feel you want to let our local police know something you have seen or heard about. You can be a good neighbour by passing the details on to:

Our local beat officer, Darren James, on 01235 776048 (mobile: 07800 702754)

Your local Neighbourhood Watch representatives:

HELEN BARTON Lowerfield House, Froud’s Close 751 831
HILARY BOARDMAN The Old Post Office, High Street 751 230
PETER COOK The Lesters, High Street 751 078
JAN OSBORNE The Old Thatch, High Street 751 270
NIGEL SIMS 3 Chapel Way 751 230
MICHAEL TAYLOR Belfield Paddock, Dog Lane 751 646
MICHAEL WASHINGTON 25 Chapel Way 751 757
BRYAN WINSLEY Paddock’s End, West Street 751 280

And don’t forget, in addition, you can also pass on information totally confidentially by phoning CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111.

Thames Valley Police provide a Community Messaging service for the public. Read more about it and sign up by clicking . Once signed up you will receive regular bulletins regarding local scams or incidents.

Here is a link to the Thames Valley Policy monthly neighbourhood watch bulletins:
