Yoga with Beth.

Every Thursday evening in Childrey Village Hall. From 7.00-8.15pm and is £10 per session.  (A discount is offered for anyone that books a course).  There is another class on a Tuesday morning at Letcombe Regis village hall.

Senior BWY Teacher

Quite simply, I love yoga. I love how I feel while I am on my mat moving, how I feel while sitting in meditation and most significantly, I love how these feelings continue to resonate within me throughout each day. My teaching is rooted in the desire to share this joy with others.

My journey into yoga began over 25 years ago when as a busy (and rather worn out) fitness instructor I went along to a yoga class to try to bring back some balance into my life.  I loved how I felt afterwards and continued to practice with a couple of different teachers.  My passion for yoga grew and teaching seemed like the natural progression.

I qualified as a Yoga Teacher in 1999 after training for three years with the UK’s governing body, The British Wheel of Yoga.  I have now been practicing and teaching yoga for over 25 years and run a series of daytime and evening courses and classes in the Newbury, Hungerford area of Berkshire as well as Wantage in Oxfordshire.

I have, for many years, studied with a wide range of nationally and internationally recognized teachers and combine my experience to offer a very holistic approach to yoga for my students. Classes focus on the physical elements of hatha yoga and blend classical yoga postures, movements and stretches to awaken the body so helping student’s reconnect with parts of the body that may have been forgotten! Important breathing techniques are incorporated to help release tension and aid relaxation.

I continue learn from and be inspired by the teachings and words of BKS Iyengar, Judith Lassater, Doug Keller, Norman Blair and Donna Farhi.  I am currently training as an Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher so that I can entwine the teachings of this ancient practice, the sister science to yoga, within my classes to give you a complete yoga experience.

A typical class will include:

  • Movements to warm up and mobilise the joints
  • Standing, sitting, lying and inverted asanas (postures) some postures will be held for a while and others will be put together in to flowing sequences.
  • Pranayama (breathing techniques)
  • A little theory / philosophy
  • Visualisation and relaxation

I often use props within my classes and always brings some blocks, belts and bricks to each lesson which you are welcome to borrow. If you would like to have your own yoga equipment please speak to me at class.

For more information please visit website